Apr 15, 2020.3 min read


Your Tankless Water Heater Does Need Maintenance

Investing in a tankless water heater is a great way to reduce energy costs and enjoy a steady supply of hot water on demand. Many homeowners think that these small appliances need little or not preventive maintenance, yet you shouldn’t overlook periodic work on your tankless water heaters to give them optimal longevity and efficiency.

Common Tankless Water Heater Issues

Like other types of preventive maintenance, taking care of your tankless hot water heater can help avoid downtime due to repair. Hard water is one of the more significant factors that can result in repairs, but regular maintenance can diminish the effects of hard water. Hard water is full of minerals, which can built up over time and result in scaling and other system issues.

You can do some of these tasks yourself, or schedule an appointment with an Intagas technician to do the work in your Brisbane area home. If minerals have caked onto the unit’s components, you will need to descale it. Installing an inline filter can go a long way to reduce buildup. Otherwise, a thorough general cleaning is beneficial.

The Descaling Process

This involves removing the accumulated gunk inside your system as the minerals in the water can settle and create a thick mess. The process involves running a significant amount of diluted vinegar through the tank, which will break down the mineralised gunk inside the unit. You may need to rinse or flush the system for as long as 45 minutes after the demineralisation process to fully remove all vinegar and matter from the unit. Always consult your descaling instructions from the manufacturer before proceeding.

Flushing the System

Regardless of the level of water hardness in your area, you tank should receive regular cleaning. Frequency ranges from 6 to 12 months, depending on manufacturer’s recommendations.

Shut off the power and water supply to the tankless heater and attach a short hose to each of the isolation valves. Connect a small pup to the end of the cold water hose and then place the end of the hot water hose and circulation pump inlet into a large bucket of water. Turn on the pump and let it circulate water through your tankless heater for about an hour to help clean the system.

If you have questions on tankless hot water heater maintenance or want servicing, don’t hesitate to contact Intagas. We’ll be happy to perform the service for you.